Biden, Election, Political


I think it is a bad idea to try to impeach Biden because impeachment implies that he is our duly legally elected President. He is not. Instead, our focus should be on removing the fraudulent administration entirely from the White House and prosecuting every single person who took part in this hostile takeover for treason.

Covid-19, Political

Masks = Smallpox Blankets?

So, here is a thought: we know the vaccines don’t work. So how is the Deep State going to complete their objective? Suddenly, Nancy Pelosi orders a crap ton of masks FROM China when she could have done the American thing and ordered from American companies who make the same product. Why? Exactly what is… Continue reading Masks = Smallpox Blankets?

Biden, Political

So yeah… Biden tripped up the stairs

Okay. I have a confession to make. All the memes making fun of Biden falling on the stairs really disturb me. Why? Because physical agility has NOTHING to do with mental acuity. I am handicapped and must use a wheelchair to go anywhere. Does that mean that I’m an idiot? No. It simply means that… Continue reading So yeah… Biden tripped up the stairs

Hollywood, Political

Deep Fakes and the Political Ramifications

Supasorn Suwajanakorn gave us this eye opening Ted Talk which will forever alter the way you view videos of public figures: Fake videos of real people — and how to spot them The political ramifications for this advanced technology are terrifying especially in light of the fact that a man who barely anyone actually sees… Continue reading Deep Fakes and the Political Ramifications

Abortion, Biden, Covid-19, Election, Exploitation of Children, Minimum Wage, Political, Transgenders

Crusty Joe‘s Idea of Winning Means the USA Loses

I am waiting with bated breath to see what happens next. Though he has lasted longer than I predicted, Crusty Joe is absolutely imploding in the White House. Apparently, the CCP and radical left are having fun with their new puppet. And are rushing to wring as much out of him before they Epstein him… Continue reading Crusty Joe‘s Idea of Winning Means the USA Loses